I am a long term user of 1Password, even though I never upgraded from 1Password 3 due to the ridiculous price. So it was time to move to KeePass 2.
Hooray, Password 3 is able to export all entries into a txt file, separated by tabs which should make a nice CSV-File. But hold, the file is encoded ambiguous. For instance, the "note" field is not enclosed in quotation marks and exhibits a mix of escaped and not escaped new lines. The general CSV importer from KeePass is great, but it was not able to resolve this problem.
Next try: moving all data from 1Password 3 to a trial version of 1Password 4, since 1Password 4 claims to be able to export to CSV. And yes, it does - but only for the login entries! All other categories are not exported.
So to be clear: neither 1Password 3 nor 1Password 4 is able to export its complete data in a reasonable format. New users be aware.
So it's time to pull out some serious tools here.
1. Export from 1Password 4 to 1PIF-File. This is JSON and contains all data.
2. Convert from JSON to well formed CSV using a little python script.
Before running this script, change the filenames. Also note, that only 5 fields are exported: title, username, password, url and note. If you need more, you have to extend the script. Here is the code:
# Tested with Python 2.7
import json
from pprint import pprint
f = open("E:\\data.test.1pif",'r')
out = open("E:\\1p.csv",'w')
for line in f:
username = ""
title = ""
password = ""
location = ""
notes = ""
#-- Skip lines with '***'
if line[0:3] == '***':
#-- Parse line
data = json.loads(line);
print "------------------------"
title = data['title']
location = data['location']
if 'notesPlain' in data['secureContents']:
notes = data['secureContents']['notesPlain']
if 'fields' in data['secureContents']:
for field in data['secureContents']['fields']:
if 'designation' in field and field['designation']=='password':
password = field['value']
if 'designation' in field and field['designation']=='username':
username = field['value']
# todo: escape ","
notes = notes.replace("\n","\\n")
newline = title + "," + username + "," + password + "," + location + ",\"" + notes + "\"\n"
3. Import the csv file using the KeePass 2 "General CSV" import filter.
Just use the default setting, in the third tab you have to change the order of the fields to match the CSV file.